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22. Avg 2022


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CircLean Open Innovation Workshop, 14.9.2022

Po uradnem zaključku TBMCE 2022, bomo v Portorožu (Grand hotel Portorož) nadaljevali z delavnico CircLean, katere cilj je deliti izkušnje, znanje in identificirati ključne izzive na področju projektov industrijske simbioze v Sloveniji. Na delavnici bo prav tako mogoče predlagati kako naj Evropska komisija poveča podporo industrijski simbiozi.

CircLean je projekt, ki ga financira Evropska komisija, v želji, da se ocenijo vplivi industrijske simbioze v EU. V ta namen so razvili enotno metodologijo za poročanje o projektih IS, spletna orodja (self-assessment) in znak, s katerim se lahko akreditira podjetja, ki implementirajo projekte IS.

ZAČETEK: 14. 09. 2022 14:00
ZAKLJUČEK: 14. 09. 2022 17:30

Agenda dogodka:

Time Sessions Additional details Speaker
14.00-14.10 Introduction  Presentation of the agenda  (tbc)
14.10-14.25 Speech from the representative of the European Commission   European Commission representative


Presentation of the CircLean toolbox (i.e. Self-assessment module and Matching tool) 


A presentation on the use of the Self-assessment module and matching tool with Q&A International Synergies Ltd
14.45-15.45  Good examples of local industrial symbiosis initiatives and projects (including successes and challenges) Good examples of local IS initiatives and projects, followed by Q&A. Moderator: Nina Kovačič (SRIP – Circular Economy)Marko Vrdoljak, Reusable technologies

Vesna Mujaković, Fonatem


Sij Acroni (tbc)

15.45-16.00  Coffee break


Roundtable about the opportunities and challenges for the uptake of industrial symbiosis (including reporting) The roundtable will discuss the opportunities and challenges for the uptake of IS. Moderator: Marjana Dermelj, SVRKdr. Polonca Ojstršek Zorčič, MOP

mag. Petra Kandus, CER

Interzero, Darja Figelj

Knof, Mojca Žganec Metelko

17.00– 17.10 Presentation of the communication toolbox for CircLean Ambassadors A presentation of the communication toolbox for CircLean that can be used by CircLean members and other industrial symbiosis stakeholders. Arctik
17.10-17.20 Presentation on how to join the CircLean network A presentation of the CircLean project, how to join the network, and the opportunities offered as a CircLean member  Technopolis Group
17.20– 17.30 Wrap up and conclusions Takeaways messages and next steps (tbc) 


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