Novosti in obvestila


31. Mar 2017


Deli z drugimi

Obisk politično-gospodarske delegacije iz Rusije in B2B srečanje

Mestno občino Maribor bo 6. aprila obiskala politično-gospodarske delegacije iz pokrajine Oryol, Rusije. V okviru obiska bo organizirano tudi B2B srečanje z mariborskimi podjetji.

Kdaj: 06. april 2017 od 11.30 do 15.00 ure.
Kje: prostorih Univerze Maribor, Dvorana Frana Miklošiča, Slomškov trg 15, 2000 Maribor.
Kotizacija: Brezplačno.
Mestna občina Maribor ustvarja prostor za poslovno sodelovanje in predstavlja priložnosti za tuje vlagatelje v Mariboru. S tem se želi Maribor predstaviti kot mesto gospodarskih in investicijskih priložnosti ter kot mesto privlačno za kapital, znanje, ljudi in življenje.


11: 30 SLOVENSKO-RUSKI poslovni forum
Predstavitev oryolskih regijskih podjetij in mariborskih podjetij

12:30 Sestanki B2B z oryolskimi podjetjih in mariborskih podjetjih (Prevajanje je zagotovljeno)

15:00 Mreženje in prigrizki


B2B srečanja z mariborskimi podjetji se bo udeležilo 10 ruskih podjetij s področja proizvodnje, kmetijstva, trgovine in gostinstva:

Participants of business trip to the Republic of Slovenia
Manufacturing enterprise
Company name Sphere of action Proposals for cooperation with the Republic of Slovenia (export, import, investment projects) Web site
1. ZAO «Pumos » (ЗАО «Пумос») The enterprise is one of the leading manufacturer of progressive innovative energy-saving LED lightning systems, illumination and additional lightening (on basis of LED) in Russia. The company’s products are made with application of high quality LEDs of famous global producers and used at the enterprises of power economy, oil industry, chemistry, metallurgy and mining, in housing and public utilities in different regions of the Russian Federation, CIS and non-CIS countries. Marketing development of manufacturing range, negotiations regarding LED products supply.
2. LLC «Site expert » (ООО «Сайт Эксперт») Development of PC software, logo design, creation of corporate identity, advisory service in the given sphere, other related services. Establishment of partnership, export of products
Agricultural enterprises
1. Public company experimental production farm «Krasnaya zvezda» (АООПХ «Красная Звезда») Breeding of breeding animals of cattle of black-spotted breed, milk production, production of cattle meats, production and cultivation of cereal crops, cultivation of cereals seeds and perennial grass seeds The company is interested in establishment of partnership, exchange of experience, export of products.
2. Public company «Orelmaslo» (АО «Орелмасло»)



One of the leaders of rape and sunflower seeds processing in Russia’s Central District It is planned to construct oil-extraction shop. At the present time, front and engineering design are being made. The planned investment amount is 1470mlnroubles. The company is interested in the expansion of export.
3. Public company «A.S. Georgievskiy Stud farm » (АО «Племенной завод имени А. С. Георгиевского»)



Company is a leading stud enterprise of the Oryol region in stock-rearing of simmental breed, livenskaya swine breed, milk production, cattle meat and swine meat production, as well as corn, sugar beet and sunflower growing, cultivation of cereals seeds and perennial grass seeds The company is interested in establishment of partnership, exchange of experience, export of products.
4. Self-employed entrepreneur Glava peasant farm enterprise (ИП Глава К(Ф)Х) Regional Association of peasant farm enterprise, private subsidiary farmings and farmers’ cooperatives (Orel-AKKORD)-voluntary association on the principles of individual membership of peasant farm enterprise, personal subsidiary plots and farmers’ cooperatives. Business areas is development of agricultural cooperation in the territory of the Oryol region. The company is interested in establishment of partnership, exchange of experience, export of products.
Commercial facilities
1. LLC«Adria»

( ООО «Адриа»)


Wholesale of leather products, production of final leather. The company brings off final leather of Russian and Italian producers, comprised of high efficient natural components. Consumers of company’s product are leather companies of Italy and Czech Republic, tanneries of the Russian Federation, shoe companies. Company’s products:

-Wet-blue semi-finished product; crust; natural leather for shoe upper and fancy goods. Volume of finished goods sales (Wet-blue semi-finished product; crust, finished leather) is 150-200 thousand of m2 per year.

Search for reliable partners for further mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of leather production. The Republic of Slovenia attracted interest as a potential consumer market of leather products and possible manufacturer of equipment used for the production of natural leather.
1. LLC «Nerussa»

(ООО «Нерусса»)

Catering The company is interested in establishment of partnership

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